Scott's Bio

It was summer 1995, I had been a fully qualified FAS regulated independent financial adviser for some years now and business was growing and doing extremely well. Having qualified in computer sciences I watched the birth of the internet with great fascination and one day I decided to start my very own website as an affiliate of a mobile phone company.
The site was basic, and I don't mean web 2.0 basic I mean ugly basic and it only ever had 4 mobile phone deals to choose from but it worked and did the job for my new hobby.
It was now winter 1995, I had been working for nearly 3 weeks on a large investment bond case for a client and I was driving home late that night with a great big smile because the client had signed the deal and the commission was fantastic.
The next day seemed a little more calm after the last 3 weeks so I decided to check how my mobile phone hobby website was doing. It was my hope that this little website may treat my family and I to a holiday one day, but when I logged in I was shocked. That website, created from a modest Dell PC had racked up more money in sales that I was going to earn in commission from my deal the night before. I had gained over 400 sales with virtually no effort and this was the beginning of my love affair with internet business. From this moment forth, I knew the internet was my future, but I could of never of realised what an amazing, exciting, rewarding, challenging and sometimes just plain crazy the ride from then to now would be.
Since 1995 I have been ever so fortunate to:
- Build up my mobile phone "hobby" business and then sell it to a large mobile phone provider
- Build up 3 hosting companies
- Build up a large web development company
- Become a stompernet member
- Connect with some of the internet's true guru's such as: Brad Fallon, Andy Jenkins and Perry Marshall
- Have great numbers of my own web pages and those of my amazing clients at the top of the search engines
- Made a of money online and loved helping others achieve the very same
- Worked with brilliant small businesses to corporate giants such as MTV's comedy central (previously Paramount Comedy), famous TV presenters and manufacturing household names.
Where does my story go now ? Well maybe reading this is fate, maybe the next stage is for me to help you enjoy what the internet has blessed me with.
Whatever the future is, I know the internet will always evolve and always be a special medium for businesses, and I love it.