The Benefits Of PPC
Here’s a dozen of the many benefits of my Google Adwords PPC management and optimisation services…
1. Can be up and running within hours (after planning and strategy completed and agreed)
2. Can target based on location, language, time using different types of keyword triggers
3. Can change your adverts whenever you like
4. Can split test adverts to see which perform the best (also useful data to move to your SEO campaign)
5. No nasty surprises as you set the daily budget
6. No tie in contracts with Google, you can stop and start your account as you like
7. No tie in contracts with me, you can downgrade / upgrade / stop the services at any time
8. I use your own Adwords account so you can see all the changes I make and you pay Google direct
9. Unlimited help and support
10. I speak in plain English and try to avoid jargon as much as possible and like to think I’m very approachable and love to share my knowledge with you
11. Monthly performance and management actions reports
12. Very powerful algorithm bidding system reviews your data for 1, 10, 30, 60 and 90 days to calculate the best bid for every keyword and makes adjustments as required (other providers of such algorithm bidding systems charge a lot more than any of my packages just for the bidding and don’t include full account management and optimisation)